all about life

"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

minat menguasai diri...

hye dearest blog...hurm kali neh aku nk bercakap pasal minat...everybody in this world have their own do i...aku minat sgt dgn masak...not a pastries or bakeries, but hot cooking...means that, any food except at the same time, i have another interest which is my dream when i was kid...diving...yeah it is...aku sangatlah minat diving...dan skg, minat dan impian menjadi kenyataan...ape yg paling aku happy, i did it with my love one...we both took the license together...its awesome...happy gilo...i can imagine how was it when we desenct to the deep blue sea was amazing...we both really enjoyed it...dan sampai lah skg, no of dive die lebeh dr aku...hihihihihi...ade skali time we did our first fun dive, i lost my buddy which is him...only god know how worried i am...i keep on thinking and pray for his safety...but then, after few minute, we both found each other...thank god...after that incident happened, we always decent together...holding hand in the deep blue sea...this is the most expensive moment that we cant buy it...i love him so much...hihihih...we have a same interest...we have lots of same interest...hahhaha...lucky to hv it...since we both hv the license, we always went for dive vacation and keep on planning for it...i never stop him to do what ever he wish for...
back to the topic, why i said that when ur interest conquered  ur self...its happened to me...i have both interest...i love cooking and i love diving...the thing that i facing now is a lil bit conflict inside me...i have my job as a cooking lecturer but at the same time, i wish to be in island...i wish to do diving everyday...but i cant leave this job...i wish to have a restaurant in an island and will hv a dive center someday....huhuhuhuu... still couldnt manage my self not to think about always come across my mind...all the time..since my boo in island now, nothing to help me not to think about it...huhuhu
end with conflict...huhuhuh

peace no war..
juju justagirl...

Monday, July 11, 2011

i remind my self of it...

assalamualaikum...dear readers...before i go further, i just wanna say that, every single words that i wrote before n will write later it is all just my opinion, and what i feel about not talking bad about others...yet, im talking about my own self..and i keep on remind my self for the things that happened surrounding...
setiap ape yg terjadi disekeliling aku jd satu titik pengajaran utk aku mendewasakan diri aku dan belajar diatas kesilapan diri sendiri dan org lain...jd kn semua tuh sebagai pengajaran utk aku menjadi lebih baik utk hr yg mendatang...
life isnt not whatever happened to us, to our family, friends and surrounding, we have to take it as a lesson to imporve our self...i keep on remind my self, what goes around comes around and dont ever blame others for every single things that happened to us...since i started to set my mind of this philosophy, i found that my life getting not just learn from my mistake that i made but i also learnd from the mistake that others order to help my self being nicer, better and matured day by day...
someone told me before, orang yg sabar adalah orang yg menang...from this qoute also helped me lot to be who am i today...GOD is fair enough...i believed in HIM...
plus, i always remind my self too that everything that we have today or will have someday will still leaving matter what deep our love to our parent til we feel like we cant leave without them, but one day...they will leave us..coz it all HIS job...from HIM we came, and to HIM we come back...
love is not everything, it just like a flowers that make a garden look beautiful...but without love, we will missing something that make us comfort just like a bed without pillow...
to me myself, juju...everything that i wrote here is not just a is all reminder for my face the world and be better...

peace no war...
juju justagirl

Saturday, July 9, 2011

...people will always blame others...and the worse is, when people who never know the truth blame and judge others wrongly...

this is human being, i always remind my self, what goes around comes around...nobody perfect but to be better, i always limit my self and bear in my mind, dont simply judge people without knowing them and their situation...
lets put our self on their shoe, then we will know what exactly happened...why ther behave like that...if we get involve in one of the bad situation, be neutral...listen to both side, then evaluate it...dont simply evaluate with out knowing nothing...
for the thing that happened to me since i was born, i would never blame others...everything taht i did, i face all bacause of my self...
again, as i wrote on my blog before, i set my mind that every single things that happened to me because of my self...the good thing and bad thing i did in the past...GOD  will pay for our kindness, goodness and bad behave...
so guys, stop judging others...nobody perfect...blame ourself for the bad thing happened to us...not blaming others...

peace no war
juju justagirl

Thursday, July 7, 2011

bila orang hilang arah...

bila manusia hilang arah, akal tidak lagi diletakan di otak yg diberikan Allah s.w.t...sebaliknya diubah tempatnya di lutut...itu mmg layak untuk ditujukan kepada manusia yang sentiasa menyalahkan org lain untuk apa yang terjadi pada mereka...
i talked about this tu akn kelihatan sangatlah bodoh sekiranya mengulangi kesilapan yang sama berulang kali dalam hidupnya...i couldnt believe there are still people who put their mind out of brain...hahhaha...
wahai manusia sekalian, xperlu lah kita memporak perandakan keadaan, memanipulasi keadaan yg pada hakikatnya, kamu sudah pon melakukan perkara itu terdahulu...sekarang orang sekelilingmu dah tau siapa kamu sebenarnya...walau sejuta kali pon kamu cuba memanipulasikan keadaan supaya orang sekeliling percaya pada kata2 kamu dan merasa simpati pada kamu, tapi bukan untuk aku...bukan untuk orang yang sudah mengenali siapa kamu...
berhenti melakukan perkara yang bodoh...belajar menerima kesalahan diri sendiri...belajar untuk terima hakikat setiap apa yang berlaku pada diri kita adalah disebabkan diri kita sendiri...aku berjaya kerana aku...aku kalah kerana aku...bukan orang lain...tapi aku hidup kerana Allah S.W.t, dan aku mati juga kerana DIA...
wahai manusia, aku sudah mengenal keadaan...berhentilah memanipulasi keadaan...kerana kau akan kehilangan lebih ramai orang yang kau sayang dengan perlakuan kau...hilang orang sekeliling bila mana mereka tahu keadaan sebenar...jgn biarkan org membenci kau manusia...

peace no war
juju justagirl

hari yang penat lagi memenatkan...

hari neh bdk dh start sem...registration...owh penat...sgt penat badan aku, otak dan hati dan segalanya...frp nk kena siapkan...note nk kena complete week outstation...kan bagus kalau dpt holiday sepanjang tahun or wat mende yg kt nk wat...ini utk mak abah...keje yg dorg pilih untuk aku...bosan keje neh,tp aku kn and destiny...aku xpenah terpikir yg org akn aturkan hidup utk mak abah, aku redha...aku rindu hidup kt pulau...freedom...penat otak aku dok kat sini...dengan ragam manusia yg mcm bodoh...mistake tu dulu aku dh wat, and skg org lain plak wat...i dont borther that...whatever they wish to do, they want to do, not related to me...i live for own life...hidup single lebih baik...aman...sendiri punye prob sendiri tanggung...knape nk sshkn diri pk masalah org lain... pengorbanan???only people who have a good heart will appreciate the it...aku dh x kisah kalau org xnk hargai ape yg aku wat...ape yg aku tau skg, aku hidup utk diri aku sendiri...bkn org lain...aku adalah aku...aku xperlu berubah untuk org yg xnk n xpernah nk hargai ape yg aku buat...sakit hati???xperlu semua tu...knapa aku nk sakitkan otak penatkan hati aku utk org lain??? tp aku neh heartless dh ko nk wat ape, ko wat make me be nk ckp ape pon, ckp lah...aku dh xkisah...xde hati dh tok semua mende remeh tu...xbg aku keuntungan sikit pon...aku berkawan dgn sapa aku nk, aku wat ape yg aku fikir baik untuk aku...slalu aku wat baik untuk org, tp org x reti nk, live with it...i can do whatever u did...if org tu treat aku buruk, aku akn wat mende same...bear in ur mind...xkisah la sape pon ko... family???friends???boss??? office mate??? aku xkisah sume not gonna put another burden on i dont bother about it anymore...

peace no war
juju justagirl

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

island, beaches, waves, diving...bring me a colorful of life...

hello guys...
as most of people know that i love beaches, island, waves and diving so much...again im gonna write about it...why did i said all of this bring me a colorful life???because all of this make me enjoy my life...first thing first, "diving"...gain me lots of experience...saw a fish which u never imagine of it...watching the movement of wonderful corals...being was awesome...beaches: sat on the bench facing the blue sky and greenish ocean...a soft sandy beaches...this thing bring me a new people to my life...i just met a cute n funny friend from German...she said we are actually sibling...hahahha...thats funny...she's so good...very nice to me...we just met few days ago, but we keep in touch every day...more than a time...she got a nick name..GTG...u know what does it means???GERMAN TRIGGER GIRL...ahahhahahhaha...she gave us nick name and mrs smurf...cute isnt it???well, not only her, i met a very nice local people my new girly, party girlfriend...nicole...she seem like really falling love with Alex  a Switzerland man who really love to say "my ss2 friend" and "u know american pie?everything in that movie are true!!!!" hahhahha...and Luke...a dutch man who very soft spoken and like to plays with the sandy while lay on it...hahahha...not plan to talk much about him since someone will get mad of it... last but not least, the family of SEAHORSES DIVE CENTER...they so good...they treated us just like their fam...i feel so closed to them...they make me feel like i dont want to leave the island...the so good...most important thing to do ive to credit to our instructor NAFIE TRIGGER who trained us good and full of trigger, u're awesome, cool n sempoi...hahhahah...i cant go further,my eyes keep dancing while wishing me to sleep..hahhha...nite everyone...times to start my dream for tonite....