dear readers and bloggers, thank god i'm still have the opportunity to write in here... i just want to share something that truly happened to me, in front of me, and around me... subhanallah, Allah know what He did... im not saying that i am perfect or very good in everything... the thing is, i've learned much from this group of people... dear ALLAH s.w.t, i praised u for giving me a chance to meet them... to know this people and learned from what they did to people around them...
im not surprised when they started to change themselves... while after everything wrong going right at the time... im a bad person before, maybe some people said im a wild teen, i admit who i am, but ALLAH give me the way... even thought im still in progress to be "somebody" as HIS slave, as daughter, wife, sister, lecturer, friend and someone for ALLAH s.w.t, for my lovely parent, for my husband one and ever, to my family, my parent in law, my fam in law, my students, my friends and public...
im trying to create a border or limitation for my self in term of relationship between peoples around me... my past thought me to be so... but what i get is still rubbish... sorry to say, what people they are... create a rumors and punish others without thinking ALLAH always there to see what we did... im being nice as much as i can, and guess what, i put aside my egoism away from me, hide it somewhere where people couldn't reach it... but ALLAH giving me a chance to feel how hurt it is, how wonderful our life... they punched me out deeply in my mind... fortunately not in my heart... once in a while, i always bear in my mind, the life of doing mistake is more honorable than a life spend doing nothing... so, they might be thinking of a same thing... hurt others, create a problem till break the human relationship...
ya Rabb, my husband always remind me... "Allah x suka umatnya yang putuskan talian persaudaraan" and what happened around us is..that thing... why i said what goes around comes around??? it is because them... they said bad about me, about us... talk like i did a real mistake which nobody could forgive me... and that time, i feel like i am real bad person coz i cant maintain the relationship... feel like i am the worst one...
but now, Allah shows the way... now, they did what they said to me last time... and syukur alhamdulillah, they are no longer related to us... and the most important thing is, ALLAH open my heart, and my husband too... to step out of the world which full of junkies... and let us begin the new life as muslim...
thanks ALLAH s.w.t...
all about life
"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."
Friday, August 3, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
indahnya peraturan yang maha esa...
bile duduk sendirian dan perhatikan keadaan, merenung masa silam, sekarang dan akan datang... ya Allah ya Tuhanku, indah sungguh percaturanMu ya Allah s.w.t... kadang aku terpikir adakah perlu untuk merasa menyesal... dan jawapan yang aku dapat, tidak... x perlu menyesal dengan apa yg tercipta untuk kita... belajar dari kesilapan dan belajar menerima qada' dan qadar' yg ditetapkan Nya...
allah s.w.t mencipta segalanya bersebab... dan atas sebab itu lah, xperlu ada kesesalan dalam hidup... syukur tuhanku, aku diberi peluang untuk merasa nikmat kesakitan, nikmat kesedihan, nikmat kebahagian, nikmat kegembiraan dan nikmat kejayaan... x semua umatmu berpeluang meransa nikmat ini... jika kebahagiaan itu indah, indah juga keperitan dan kesedihan...
terima kasih suamiku, kerana meperingati aku dengan kata2 itu... " Bila kita minta bunga yg indah mekar, Allah berikan kaktus berduri... bila kita minta rama-rama cantik berseri, Allah beri kita beluncas berbulu...TAPI kita lupa, yang kaktus berduri akan beri bunga yang cantik, dan beluncas berbula akan bertukar menjadi rama-rama yang cantik... itulah jalan Allah s.w.t...
ambilah sedikit waktu, rununglah pemberian Nya... aku sudah melalui masa yang sangat berat untuk aku terima... sendirian, dan xda bahu untuk di kongsi... hanya DIA yang ada... tapi aku redha dan alhamdulillah, tuhan berikan aku ibu bapa disisi... dan sekarang seorang suami yang memahami... hanya dia tempat berkongsi suka dan duka... aku pernah merasai saat kaktus masih lagi berduri, dan beluncas masih jua berbulu... dan sekarang, Allah buktikan yang kaktus itu berbunga, beluncas itulah rerama... syukur ke hadrat mu ya ALLAH...
peace no war,
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