all about life

"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


hya, salam readers and bloggers... it been long time i didn't stop by here and left something to read... life as lecturer, a wife, its quite challenging lately... lot of pressure and seriously, im still cant manage it yet... im facing a worse week ever in my life as lecturer... well, for the first time im crying like a stupid lecturer in front of my students... what a pathetic thing i did...

the time was bad... real bad... deeply in me, i never felt like i was being ignored by my students, and there no respect at all towards me as lect... yes, im sad... really sad... i treated them as friend, family despite, they are all my students... i spend my time with them... cooked together, clean together, and i never left them behind... always help them in every class, because, kitchen class is the only class that i can feel my self... feel my life and enjoying the moment, every min n sec... but what i got is rubbish...

i always asked for forgiveness every single class, and say thanks to them... to appreciate them for coming to my class, while they are the should thank me... received that, from some of them, but minority... doesn't mean that im really desperate to get "TQ" from my students, but just for little appreciation... and day after, time getting worse... and make me really mad... and i decided not to monitor them anymore... for next following classes... but what to do... the blood of a teacher still running in my body... the madness, sadness doesnt work properly till i cant leave them alone in the class...

and when i sad alone, i realized, ive changed... after married... that what my man taught me... and sorry students, the times has passed... n no more laugh and joys after this...