all about life

"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."

Monday, June 27, 2011

i am so tired...

hurm...i dunno know should i write here or not feeling well with it...but i...i dunno what to say...being honest to others, being nice to people around me...being tolerate...even people dont realize not blame others coz everything good or bad that happened to me before,now and is all because of my goodness and bad thing i did...i never forget tought me to be strong...and this is who i am...hurt other then someday people will hurt u back... nice to others then poeple will treat u nice someday...getting someone in ur life, and remember ull lost them matter what, coz all of us belong to HIM...eventhought im started to feel how enjoy my life...since jan 2011, but still...there is something will bother u just like a test from make u strong, brave and realize the mistake that u did, n learnt how to avoid to do a same mistake again...u'll be strong if u did a mistake then u regret and try to correct ur self...but ull be so damn stupid if u did a mistake, then ull keep on repeating the same mistake...and i dont want to be as stupid as self, my parent, my sibling, my friends, and all people around me will face a same thing in our life...only u, ur self know how to create ur life either make it wonderful, nor make it worse...

again and again, i am who i am...i have no twin who have same habit, interest, style, or anythign exactly like me...coz i am who i am...i never same to someone else as much as that...everything that happened to me and the test that god gave me, differ to other even it is still test from, how i manage to.the past is past, yes, but if u still n keep on going talking about it,and never stop to get involve in it, it is not ur is ur present life...for me my self, i dont know what to do to make other understand me too...i am very simple, so does it to difficutl for poeple to be honest and sincere to me...maybe i did it to toher before and GOD bring somebody to pay me back...alhamdullilah, thank GOD to give me such a beautiful life...

to people out there, either u re my family, my friends, my teachers, my boss, even my enermies, i am sincerely forgive everything that u guys did to me and i am begging u guys to forgive me for every single things, little or big mistake, pls forgive me...i admit for those mistake i did, and im really mean it when i say sorry...

to people who concern about me, im very good, and happy with my life, happy doing all those thing that i dreamed of it since yearsssssssss ago, :) not be with anyone, but im be with everyone around me...i love my self, i love my life, i love my soul, i love everything about me...just me...the rest, it is not as deep as i love my self...

peace no war...
back to: juju justagirl...

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