all about life

"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

sometimes we should control our miss someone...or less...:P

hurm, i dont think its a good idea to talk about still want to talk about it...hahhaha...its related to human's and a human being it is impossible if we said that we have no i rite???
it is not easy to control our feeling actually, but if u can hide what u feel, u r so strong and u my baby...hihihihi...wish to be like u...sometimes, yes, but most of the times not[i cant hide anything fr u,but to others, of course] sgt lemah utk sembunyikan feeling sy dari kamu...i dont know how to control my feeling towards him...jump beribu kali pon rindu cm org angau...hihihi...b cm sengal kn...adush, kena kutuk habis neh if dorang tau [kiddos and friends...
im even too sensitive when we have our daily conversation...
my mind however always wispering, juju you have to control it...dont let ur feeling control ur mind...dush2...yeah of course i wont it control my mind...
tp lemah ar ngan kamu...nk plak bile kebosanan, msg n call x ckp la awk... bl la leh jmp, dh la next week im going to sabah...if you could join x paham apekah gejala yg melanda neh...huhuhu...sbb tu lah kena control feeling tuh...or less, jd la mcm sy neh ha...sengal...
huhuhu...ok lah...times up...stop mumbling juju...huhuhu...miss my bb...:P

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