all about life

"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


hya, salam readers and bloggers... it been long time i didn't stop by here and left something to read... life as lecturer, a wife, its quite challenging lately... lot of pressure and seriously, im still cant manage it yet... im facing a worse week ever in my life as lecturer... well, for the first time im crying like a stupid lecturer in front of my students... what a pathetic thing i did...

the time was bad... real bad... deeply in me, i never felt like i was being ignored by my students, and there no respect at all towards me as lect... yes, im sad... really sad... i treated them as friend, family despite, they are all my students... i spend my time with them... cooked together, clean together, and i never left them behind... always help them in every class, because, kitchen class is the only class that i can feel my self... feel my life and enjoying the moment, every min n sec... but what i got is rubbish...

i always asked for forgiveness every single class, and say thanks to them... to appreciate them for coming to my class, while they are the should thank me... received that, from some of them, but minority... doesn't mean that im really desperate to get "TQ" from my students, but just for little appreciation... and day after, time getting worse... and make me really mad... and i decided not to monitor them anymore... for next following classes... but what to do... the blood of a teacher still running in my body... the madness, sadness doesnt work properly till i cant leave them alone in the class...

and when i sad alone, i realized, ive changed... after married... that what my man taught me... and sorry students, the times has passed... n no more laugh and joys after this...


Friday, August 3, 2012

what goes around comes around


dear readers and bloggers, thank god i'm still have the opportunity to write in here... i just want to share something that truly happened to me, in front of me, and around me... subhanallah, Allah know what He did... im not saying that i am perfect or very good in everything... the thing is, i've learned much from this group of people... dear ALLAH s.w.t, i praised u for giving me a chance to meet them... to know this people and learned from what they did to people around them...

im not surprised when they started to change themselves... while after everything wrong going right at the time...  im a bad person before, maybe some people said im a wild teen, i admit who i am, but ALLAH give me the way... even thought im still in progress to be "somebody" as HIS slave, as daughter, wife, sister, lecturer, friend and someone for ALLAH s.w.t, for my lovely parent, for my husband one and ever, to my family, my parent in law, my fam in law, my students, my friends and public...

im trying to create a border or limitation for my self in term of relationship between peoples around me... my past thought me to be so... but what i get is still rubbish... sorry to say, what people they are... create a rumors and punish others without thinking ALLAH always there to see what we did... im being nice as much as i can, and guess what, i put aside my egoism away from me, hide it somewhere where people couldn't reach it... but ALLAH giving me a chance to feel how hurt it is, how wonderful our life... they punched me out deeply in my mind... fortunately not in my heart... once in a while, i always bear in my mind, the life of doing mistake is more honorable than a life spend doing nothing... so, they might be thinking of a same thing... hurt others, create a problem till break the human relationship...

ya Rabb, my husband always remind me... "Allah x suka umatnya yang putuskan talian persaudaraan" and what happened around us is..that thing... why i said what goes around comes around??? it is because them... they said bad about me, about us... talk like i did a real mistake which nobody could forgive me... and that time, i feel like i am real bad person coz i cant maintain the relationship... feel like i am the worst one...
but now, Allah shows the way... now, they did what they said to me last time... and syukur alhamdulillah, they are no longer related to us... and the most important thing is, ALLAH open my heart, and my husband too... to step out of the world which full of junkies... and let us begin the new life as muslim...

thanks ALLAH s.w.t...


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

indahnya peraturan yang maha esa...


bile duduk sendirian dan perhatikan keadaan, merenung masa silam, sekarang dan akan datang... ya Allah ya Tuhanku, indah sungguh percaturanMu ya Allah s.w.t... kadang aku terpikir adakah perlu untuk merasa menyesal... dan jawapan yang aku dapat, tidak... x perlu menyesal dengan apa yg tercipta untuk kita... belajar dari kesilapan dan belajar menerima qada' dan qadar' yg ditetapkan Nya...

allah s.w.t mencipta segalanya bersebab... dan atas sebab itu lah, xperlu ada kesesalan dalam hidup... syukur tuhanku, aku diberi peluang untuk merasa nikmat kesakitan, nikmat kesedihan, nikmat kebahagian, nikmat kegembiraan dan nikmat kejayaan... x semua umatmu berpeluang meransa nikmat ini... jika kebahagiaan itu indah, indah juga keperitan dan kesedihan... 

terima kasih suamiku, kerana meperingati aku dengan kata2 itu... " Bila kita minta bunga yg indah mekar, Allah berikan kaktus berduri... bila kita minta rama-rama cantik berseri, Allah beri kita beluncas berbulu...TAPI kita lupa, yang kaktus berduri akan beri bunga yang cantik, dan beluncas berbula akan bertukar menjadi rama-rama yang cantik... itulah jalan Allah s.w.t...

ambilah sedikit waktu, rununglah pemberian Nya... aku sudah melalui masa yang sangat berat untuk aku terima... sendirian, dan xda bahu untuk di kongsi... hanya DIA yang ada... tapi aku redha dan alhamdulillah, tuhan berikan aku ibu bapa disisi... dan sekarang seorang suami yang memahami... hanya dia tempat berkongsi suka dan duka... aku pernah merasai saat kaktus masih lagi berduri, dan beluncas masih jua berbulu... dan sekarang, Allah buktikan yang kaktus itu berbunga, beluncas itulah rerama... syukur ke hadrat mu ya ALLAH...

peace no war,

Thursday, July 19, 2012

ramadhan : keberkatan untuk aku dan suami...


hi readers, and friends... hari ini adalah hari terakhir bulan sya'aban 1433... itu menandakan esk bermula lah satu ramadhan... our fasting month... what make me so happy for this year??? ak akan berpuasa bersama seorang laki-laki, laki akulah... suami labih lembut... hehehheheh... mungkin org akan pikir itu nothing, tapi pada aku, tahun neh mmg lain... lain dari yg sebelumnya... aku sebelum ni, jarang sambut hari raya dgn famili... atas sebab2 tertentu... mmg org pk ak heartless, tp abah dh izinkan aku... tp skg, aku dh ada suami... lelaki kedua yg paling aku sayang... knapa kedua??? sbb abah adalah lelaki pertama dlm hati aku... xkn ada org lain... rindu abh... smlm besday abah... :)

hari neh jgk asal nya hari keputraan sultan terengganu, cewah kn dh jd a part of terengganuian... hahahha.. perasan sat... sebelum masuk esk hari, kepala otak pk mcm2... teringat nasi minyak ayah la, teringat rendang ayam yg abah mesti masak setiap tahun bl puasa... teringat laksam yg ma bli tiap kali balik k.t... teringat laksa mak aku... kak g, i miss ur laksa and bihun sup so much la... dah tkar topic je asyik ingat...

tahun neh, puasa nk balik kedah dan aku akan beraya di terengganu... first time tu kot... nebes nk masak rendang untuk org terengganu... nasib la ma dpt menantu chep... hehehhehehe... bln neh teringin nk beribadat dgn suami aku... pegi jemaah tarawih same2... bangun sahur sama2... insyaallah, kalau di izinkan tuhan... moga kami dapat rezeki itu...

tahun lepas puasa sorang2, sekarang berdua, hopefully next year bertiga la... dan seterusnya... hehehhe... amin mudahan allah dgr apa yg aku minta... bulan mulia dh tiba esk... ak harap perkara yang x elok tu jauh lah dgn aku dan suami... syaitan dan jin akan di ikat, yang tinggal hanyalah nafsu kita... so if anything wrong we did, it is not because of them, it is because of our self... moga semua umah allah mendapat keberkatan untuk ramadhan tahun neh... amin ya rabb...

peace nowar

Thursday, June 28, 2012

forgiveness : admitting the mistake we made or pretending we are always right ?

and hello to all readers out there...
how should i start this??? i have lots of ideas but i don't know how to voice it out... im facing a phase which  i thought it is quite difficult to decide or find a solution for "that" things... i dont know how, and where can i find the what??? omg, i lost my idea... im stress, under pressure and clueless of what is going on...
ok refer to word fogiveness, what did u really understand of it??? i still seek for it... i miss my mom and dad... and my family... it been long time we didnt hang out together, having dinner or lunch together... it just like flew away after one by one had their own fam... i miss the bench that abah make his ownself, where all of us spend our evening there... it such a beautiful childhood moment... even 8 of us had a cat fight most of the time...hahahhahah... and now, when one of my sis who i never speak to almost 6 years text me and seek for forgiveness from us, suddenly the tears dropped... and i knew, i miss my family... and she remind me, its not about the egoism of all of us, but it is all about our mom and dad happiness... i put away my egoism, my cold heart, and everything that make me hate some of them, just to say sorry and wish to stop all the nonsense conflict between us, coz im still remember, when mom called me and she is crying like a baby... it is not a tears of sadness, but it is tears of happiness... mom, dad, will you forgive us for what we did... 8 of us???

Thursday, June 21, 2012

celebrating his birthday - 1st as hubby wifey-

hye readers and bloggers...
june- gemini - my husband birthday... since it was on working day, so we only could manage a simple birthday party for him... but hosted by my friend, comel n usop... actually, i am planning for something fun and happening birthday party but due to lack of time, it doesnt work.. planning to celebrate it together with hanna, also born on june, cant be proceed... so we decided to make it separately... fortunately, usop and comel wanted to cook and prepare all the meal and din will bought the cake... me??? planning to surprising him... so i told my hubby im going to night market, and asked for permission since im HIS wife now...hahahha... to be a good wife ya... i went there with din and mahat, and while usop n comel preparing the meal (its happened after work), me and din went to mart to buy some drinks, and candle... and around 8 pm, my little lovely hubby arrived comel's house and we pretending like no cake for that day...just a food, dinner like we always did... after my hubby finished his prayer, we bring out the cake and sing together his birthday song... so it is, just a simple celebration... not like the previous year... we celebrated it at PERHENTIAN ISLAND, with new foreign friends from Switzerland, Holland... and so sorry syg, it was just a simple birthday present for you this year... im out of idea what to give syg...ahhahaha... last year, i gave him, a wonderful vacation to perhentian island, cK watch, and HTC Desire HD... n this year, new rash guard from RIP CURL... hehehhe... i know you like sayang... ill fine the quicksilver rash guard someday dear...
to Allah, thank for giving me a chance to celeb his birthday again this year...and may Allah bless Muhammad Khuzairi b. Mohamed @noordin life and give us happy family life... i love you sayang...

here some pic to share...
rip curl rash guard for him

new york cheesecake from secret recipe 

birthday boy n wifey - blow it baby blow

happy 29th lovely

after blow candle

credit to comel and usop for foods

cake again

din dont know what to rite my hubby name... so left it empty

invited too... lan, wan and hanna

host  - usop and comel

fatty wifey and cute lovely hubby


the end---
peace no war...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

new update, new post...old hobby, new part time job...

assalamualaikum and hi readers...
ermmm, been a while im not updating my blog, n as usual, ill update more than one soon at same time...hahhaha...really busy and have no mood to write anything in here, but trying to do so sometimes and now at last... successful to do so...
new update ??? yes of course this is my new update, and ya, new post for my blog... but, old hobby??? new part time job??? wondering what is it??? ok let me share what i mean when i talk about my old hobby and now it is one of my part time job...just to fulfill my free time... ok, im not the one who will pain my face every times i went out, but sometimes ill do it for any occasion or u know, if i had a very pale face...yes ill do it... and i had a friend, my best buddy during my diploma... and everytime we bored or one of us felt sad and under pressured, one of the best solution for us is MAKEUPPPPPPPP....hahahha...yes it is... we paint our face, and trying to look differ and beautiful (even we knew beauty without painting is better), doing some experiment mixing and blending the color... and finally it works.. its make us happy, laughing and feel free at that time... owh i miss her so much, and she just engaged last Saturday, and she look beautiful with her neutral make-up...
and during my wedd, i dont had enough time to find make-up artist, than i decided to do it my own... few weeks after, one of my friend ask me to pain her face during her wedd, n i got another one and another one...again... so i told my hubby, people like my touch... so, i think why not i take it as my part time job... maybe someday, i can be a good one... if it GOD wills... btw, thanks Allah swt for giving me more than one talent to survive in this heavy and adventure world with beautiful people around me...

this is some of them...

peace no war...
dark brown 

front view

blue mixed green

i paint my own face for my own wedd...hahahaha



Thursday, April 26, 2012

the truth is...i dont know what to say

morning readers... friends... families...
i dont know what to write actually, but deeply in my heart and soul, i feel something... unfortunately i have no ideas what a feeling is this... im speechless... it is too complicated... happy, curious, sad, excited, pressure i dont really know what is it... blended... and every second of my life, i am really miss him...even we stay under one roof... i feel like i wanna cry... wish i could... ya ALLAH swt, show me the way... lead me ya allah... i dont understand what will happen to me... or happened to me... i wish if i could talk to someone... who can understand it... i feel sad to see people sad... and i dont know why i felt guilty of something  i didn't do... try to touch something impossible to do so... to ease this feeling ya allah... lately, when i look up the sky, i feel like Allah really near to me... is it hidayah from u ya ALLAH??? if yes, alhamdulillah...

and the truth is, i need a the place where i can release everything... away from work, away from traffic... a place with no car, just a boat... a place which i could see the real sunset, wrapped by the wind, listen to sound of the waves... i miss that place... a place for us dd...

time pls be nice to me... give me opportunity to get off for a while... but in nearest time... i need to be away from this place... i need to be somewhere which we really belong to... and now, i couldn't think anymore... how to express my self...argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...

peace no war????
yes jujumohdjan...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

a month of being a wife...

hello readers and friends... everything good today??? i have lot of free time since all my students were struggling  for their final exam... and me??? doing nothing...just sitting on my soft green chair, laughing while watching comedies video in youtube, and this...this is what i did since last monday... updating my blog... do some make over of it... actually i just get a new pic fr our photographer for our post wedding pic... hahahahaha

ok as usual, let back to the title i wrote there... before i go further, i just want to say that...(coz u might think ill talk about my "secret" life with my hubby) this is totally not about something that i am strictly cant share with public due to my hubby n fam dignity... this is just a simple and short story...about  what does i feel, what make me differ from before since im being a wife for man name Muhammad Khuzairi...

its actually more than a month but we moved in our new house for a month already... so everything we shared, just both of us... im a career women... and i worked everyday (suppose to be ) 8-5... but ive change the time 8.30 am - 5.30 pm... but not on wed and thur... ive to work until 9 pm sometimes... it depends on what product i need to teach on that day... 

i didnt feel that the differences is too much in term of the "job" that a wife should do coz even i am a single women before, i am very particular on that spec... my house should always be clean and comfortable for me... i dont like the ceiling full of spiderwebs... hate dirty fridge, unclean toilet and bathroom... and kitchen!!!! should always be good at my eyes, clean under my foot, and cutlery and small equipment should...not just should but have to be place properly... thats me... fussy lady...sometimes my students said me that...

the routine that we had together not that much differ... but i am happy... to get a chance to be a wife... Thanks Allah s.w.t i praise to you for giving me such a beautiful life, laugh and tears to share with someone name husband... i realized that ive someone beside me... to taking care of... to share with... to concern about... to be beside... to fight sometimes... arguing each other, then make us laugh... i have something to do everyday im back home... i glad to have him who will accompany me for my dinner,and coffee time early morning b4 work...

he such a hardworking man... helped me taking care of our house, cleaning process... watching desperate housewife together... living together with someone name husband will really make a women's life getting better... i feel more secure since he stay with me everynight... 

ive cook almost everyday... coz i am very high demand toward food quality... i prefer to cook my self... of course i cook everyday coz i was trained for about 6 years in cooking and now im teach people cook... hahaha...but i dont really like to food that i cook too... hahahha... its normal for a chef rite... 

everymorning, ill prepare drink for him...always nescafe and it is so sweet when he prepared for me too...we'll drink together then work... i love my routine... and i think my hub was a lucky man... he will have a dinner with a different cuisine everynight... i love to cook pasta, with a homemade gravy... or noodles or our comfort food...rice!!!   

i heard friends saying that my hub getting chubby since married... one of them is jojo... lol, that really happened to him... no more old shirt he can wear... and pants too... what to do...hahhaha... i pray to god i can always be a good wifey for him... i can perform my responsibility toward allah, hubb, parents, and fam... 
alhamdulillah allah s.w.t... 

peace no war...

Monday, April 23, 2012

pangkat bukan ukuran...

assalamualaikum...hello readers and friends...
ok refer to the title post kali neh, mmg rs nk sangat tulis byk2...we had a simple discussion just now...with some of my friends... berckp pasal pangkat... personally, i am really respect those who know who they are, how deep their knowledge, which position they hold on, and most important is, even they work as a higher position than other, they know how to respect, react and manage their supporter and people around them... they know what to do and what shouldn't do... semua orang bermula dari bawah... i believed in it... cume masa yg berlainan... dan for sure, rezeki allah s.w.t...

walau setinggi mana pon pangkat yg diberi, semua manusia ttp berada di ranking yg sama di sisi Allah swt... yg menjadi kan kita berbeza adalah dari amalan dan dosa yg kita bawa bersama... bukan harta, pangkat mahupun ilmu duniawi... mmg kita perlu kan dunia dan akhirat, tp jgn terlalu pandang ke barat... mementingkn pangkat... sampai ketepikan bahasa, lupakan rasa hormat walaupun dengan org yg kita pernah bergelak tawa... lagi menjadi manusia yang berpangkat neh semakin dipandang serong, bl mana manusia ni dh mula berani memberi arahan yg berbeda dari tugas hakikinya... mempergunakan manusia dibawahnya untuk kepentingan peribadi... nk jaga poket sendiri sampai kita dicaci dimaki??? mcm tu ke pangkat yg dimaksudkan??? bila dh jadi ketua tu, kena la jd yang adil... as a leader, that person should know how to be a good one... know how to be a good decision maker... yes sometimes the leader should listen to their subordinate, but when come to make a decision, they have to be professional... being on the middle line... think the benefit and effect of it... jgn medengar di sebelah pihak,atau menilar dari pandangan kasar... dan bila ada masalah yang dibangkitkan melibatkan dignity seseorang, jaganlah dijadikan bahan umpatan... seorang ketua yg baik, xakan menceritakan keburukan org bawahannya kepada kalangan bawahannya jgk... xperlu semua tu...

kalau berpangkat tapi tidak menggunakan pangkat itu dijalan yang benar, baguske mcm tu??? and the worse thing is, u got the position based on something that u shouldnt get it by right... contohnya, gunakan org lain untuk dapatkan pangkat tu... mungkin nilai yang dibayar untuk pangkat tu yg menjadi pojaan hati??? hahaha...jgn lah terlalu memandang harta... dan bila diberi pangkat tu, gunalah ke arah yg benar... gunakan untuk membetulkan yang salah... menegakkan apa yg sebenarnya perlu ditegakkan... bukan menegakkan benang yang basah...meg iyakn yang terang lagi salahnya... hurm... minta allah swt jauhkan aku dari keadaan ini... jauh sekali menjadi golongan begini...

pangkat oh pangkat, isilah tempat ini dengan org yg benar2 layak... yg iklas, yg tahu nilai pangkat itu sendiri... yg tahu nk jalankan tanggungjawab untuk pangkat itu sendiri... bukat hanya tahu ckp " aku kan pangkat lagi tinggi dari kau, so buat je lah" or " itu bukan masalah sy, yg sy nk tahu, by the time come, keje dh siap" walhal itu keje kamu manusia oi... dan bila kamu berpangkat, berjawatan tinggi, tahu jgklah membezakan yg mana tipu yg mana asli... jgn biar mata tu ditutup dgn puji pujian, dan kata2 indah yg bukan dtg dari hati yg iklas walhal org yg bermadah tu, kejenya langsung x dibuat... atas angin istilahnya... bila disuarakan, diam seribu bahasa ketuanya... masyaallah, bukak lah mata...jd lah ketua yg berguna... yg adil seadilnya... mmg ssh, tp mencuba... bila ditegur org lain, perkara yg salah perlu diubah... jagalah yg benar2 berusaha dan melaksanakn tugasnya... bukar bangkai bernyawa yg perlu dibela...

manusia jgn lah terlalu leka...dan alpa...peringatan untuk diri aku jgk... moga manusia ini diberi petunjuknya... dan kita yg ada, jauhilah dr menjadi sebahagian darinya... amin... dan yg baik selalu dari NYA yg berkuasa, dan kurangnya itu dari kita manusia...

peace no war

meine deutsche schwester...jane lippmann

holla freund... leser...
hahhaha... im in progress to learn german language...hahhaha... trying to adding one more 3rd language in my, not because of that... it is just because i've a lovely sister from germany... i met her june last year... and from that time, when we sat on the bench at the dive center and started talking, we both realized we had too much chemistry... and she is a nice person... friendly, and surprisingly, she had a very high knowledge about islam... it really impressed me... from that time, we getting closed until today...we share the good, we share the worse... i love her...smurf and me started missing her now... she had a very friendly father and mother... i skyped with them the only way for us to keep in touch is, whatsapp, skype and fb only...hey schwester,ich vermisse dich...hoffen, sie sehen im nachsten...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

stop living in past...

hello been a not update my blog... very busy coz i just moved in a new house, staying together with my hubby, loaded with work and had to finish all the classes that i canceled during my wedding time... marking all tests and quizzes for all subjects...and preparing the carry mark sheets and all the exam stuff... owh yes, our housewarming party...unexpected,tq guys for coming... even staying in kl, you guys could manage to be here for us...tqvm... and my students, they helped me lot...helped my hubby bbq'in till late nite...hahhahaha... thanks god i can manage it... ok let talk about what i wrote there...the title for sure...

have you ever heard about people talking about the past??? anything about the past, bad or good, worse or awesome???? frankly say, i think the best thing to do with past it just like this  beautiful quote 

‎"Learn from the past, look to the future, but live in the present." Petra Nemcova

everyone had their own past... my parents, your parents, my friends, your friends, everyone in the do i... im dare to bet that u couldnt meet anyone out there who has no past moment or time in their life... even a baby still have it... the moment where they live in their mother's "tummy"... even they cant remember it, but still yes...  ive met few people who sometime blaming the past they had previously... and to be honest, i am a part of it too...last time... but what i did is, ive learned from it... thank allah swt for giving me a chance to experience this... what i had gone through before make me who i am today... i dont have a good past time before, ive experienced lot of thing which really make me feel like i am a loser...but when the days comes on, and time changing, i took a time to judge what ive did before... does it really good for me to still thinking about it??? or is that too bad to be true for me??? to blaming my self or parent or family or anyone out there??? or even sometimes blaming god for giving that to us??? last few years, i was involving in a very worse situation where i have no intention to stand back fight for my self... im facing a moment when the one u trusted, broke ur heart and make people who closed to u started ignoring u... avoiding u while they dont realize it is really ur fault??? and it make me think twice... and im started blaming my self... and from that moment, im avoiding people even my fam... no eid for me, no ramadhan, no laugh, no more gathering... 

yes my heart broke into pieces... a very small pieces which i thought i couldn't glue it back... at age 21, ive to be strong to live without them... and what i got is, now...who am i now... and allah know what right what wrong... he show the truth... he gave me strength to build up my self... give me the opportunity to live again without the past... i make the past as a book for me to learn... to be aware of what will come to u in future... yes, we become who we are nowadays coz our past... but please dont make the past as ur present... ull hurt friends... really... you'll go nowhere if u keep on living in the past... i let my past be my past and really, nothing couldnt change it... dont regret of what u did... if u made a mistake, use ur future to not repeat it again... i always said that if u did a mistake then u should avoiding it for next time...coz if u still repeat a same mistake, u are an idiot... yes idiot... i believed in it... our life a full of learning process... we couldnt avoiding it... so learn from what u had go through... even yesterday or a minute before... 

when the day my hubby replaced my father's responsibility towards myself, i remind myself, to live in present... stop talking about the past we had, take the good, forget the bad things... we had a future together to go through,  so lets prepared our self for it... not for the past... guys, im just share what ive experienced b4... if u had a bad day yesterday, let start creating a smile on ur face, then believe me, the smile will change u to be a +ve person... last but not least, please, live in present...not in ur past...

peace no war

j\peace no w

a day to remember - terengganu

hye bloggers and readers,..
this is just a simple post... just want to share about my wedd in kuala terengganu, malaysia 17 march 2012... actually the way they manage and running the ceremony quite diff from people from others state in malaysia... i mean the local people of terengganu... but still, im enjoyed the day... thanks you for everyone who attended our wedd ceremony, my hubby's friends, my family, my ex-staff... and im really thankful for the wedd present u guys gave us... to ayah, ma, kakcik, kak ngah, abg ngah, abg wan,abg long, kak long, my niece and nephew, my parent and sister of course, pak anjang and everyone who involved to make our wedd ceremony successful  on that day... im really happy to be a part of terengganurian from now on...hehheheh...will try to understand their dialect and for sure need to learn the menu of terengganu cuisine...(try to be the best cook for my hubby)...hhahahha... im really impressed since my father in law and hubby fam prepared the food themself. how they co operated and manage things to be done on time... ayah, the food was so good... and i knew that my man so damn tired on the wedd day coz he just slept for about 2 hours???? hurmmm, we both planned everything and wish the day will be the best day for us...and we wished... thank god coz gave me a great moment and chance to be a part of their fam...

peace no war

Thursday, March 22, 2012

post before late!!!!!!diving mode...officially husband and wifey

2nd post for today readers...
assalamualaikum and afternoon...
i am actually damn busy with work-loaded (for 3 week on leave)...but still have time to update my blog...just now i was posted about my save the date vc, but now my first dive as hubby and usual our fav island, perhentian again...and the diff was, we went to dive site that we never been to b4, tokong laut a.k.a sea temple... it took about 25 min i guess and not really good ride by the new boatman coz he dont care the wave at all...

it a bit mild current on the surface but at least it was a new experience for both of us...we went there with out friend n dive master there, jahn kombathan...and followed by one old man and young lady from holland i think...
i was very exited coz we haven't go for dive about 5 month, for the real salt water and marine life... i am really enjoyed it eventhough a bit shaky and facing a lil prob... my hubby too...he felt pain on chest but then after we found the bamboo shark and razor fish, i think i started made us enjoy,..and yes, was wonderful place for diving...



 moi with new fin...

this is my mucuk encemmmmm

oh, not to forget, i am using my own underwater the marine pack(underwater casing) as give from my beloved hubby for our wedd...hhehehehhehe....tq dd...loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u so mucuk....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

save the date - late update!!!hehehhehe

hello world...readers and bloggers...
almost two or three month im not "around"...coz i am so damn busy with my wed preparation...btw, not too much ill write here...just want to share my save the date vc..,before that, i would like to thank to my beloved hubby, crkt commm for the cute to ervi n nazran too for allowed us to use the place, hanif and fahmi, tq so much...
guys, dont say anything coz i know and realized that im not a good actress...hahhahahha...
fyi, basically it is not the real story how he met me, but the memo, all its still keep it the 12pcs memo that he hide around piece by piece...tq so much my lovely dear...

so enjoy it...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

glad and happy...

hello blogger and reader...welcome back to my page...
let talk about a topic that i wrote there... have u ever feel like, u was treated like a superstar? or actor ? actress? or public figure?? maybe people will googl'in the info about u...or maybe ask someone else in order to get info about u...ermmm followed u where ever u went to...dig for a gossip or rumors related to u...???
hahhahaha...okonly u and ur friends perhaps know the answer...hahahahha...

dear friends, why i choose this to talk about???because, as i posted in my facebook status " im glad that there are still people who really addicted to know about us... and its make us laugh and happy...think outside the box as well...while enhancing the knowledge and gain the experience about the human behavioral reflected to their social relation with others and for sure, the level of maturity...age doesn't promised a high level of maturity..."

we feel like we are happy, my love did too...we are happy coz there still people willing to know about us, what we did where we went to, whom we met...dont know how to describe but well, not everybody in the world feel is actually make us proud...we are just a normal people...normal human being...why people really addicted to know about us...even sometimes, the info that they get, wasnt rite...thus, it is created by the informer...or maybe firestone...but still, they always think it is true...

hahhaha, it just like a drama...good for drama queen, but junkies for us...or maybe the proper word is rubbish...we heard what people talk about others, then suddenly, the situation was twisted...hahah...u should get what i mean if u use ur brain to think outside the box...

outside the box???? what the...related to the topic????ok, explanation needed here...:)...for me, after being connected to the public, variety type of character...i gain a lot of experience about human job required me to deal with customers...which, our students...i have more than 100 student per sometimes a person that we know was not really him or her...someday they will show the true color...or maybe...the bad person that u met, will be very nice to when u meet somebody, pls think outside the box...predict the pros and cons...beware of everything u did with him or her...what u say...coz, sometimes, u will never see the true color or it...

how about their social life???it is obviously related to what they a now...this is in contact of they way they think and used their brain to make a decision, the way they connected to the public or any kind of people, the relationship, the interaction and everything that will involve more than two people in a situation...or environment... plus, this is one of the method to know, to determine the level of maturity...from the decision they made, the action they took, the situation they control, the interaction they created, this will show their age actually mean nothing...yes it mean u older due to numbering, but it doesnt show that u are old enough, matured enough and pro enough...

so guys, learn and live...and i love to say that i am very happy if u read my blog, if u dig my info, if u stalk me and anything related to me...coz, u gain me knowledge, u improve my dealing with people...the andragogi and pedagogi which i used in my can i communicate, treated this and that kind of people...

so that all for today...
the good from HIM, the bad was mine...tell me what was wrong, and i can improve my self...
keep reading and peace no war...
love my readers...
moca juju

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

busy with preparation...

hey readers and bloggers...assalamualaikum...well for my loyal muslim readers especially...
hurm...i hv alots to share here, all happiness that happened to my for this year especially...(january still on screen)...
ok then, back to the topic...busy with preparation???prepare for what???hahahha...who have the answer for that???of course me, my baby, my fam, his fam and OUR FRIENDS and plus...u guys readers...what getting busy for my wed of course...
we spent most of the time together thinking about the preparation...the main thing to dress...and of course baju melayu for him too la...we send it to the tailor and made our own wedding dress for me and suit for him....
the glasses that his mother asked to buy also done...give for my side also done...hantaran????everything done...heheheh..cant wait to see the mask and booty on the tray...tq dd coz u bought me my fav color it...we gonna have a wonderful dive together soon...hheheheheh...
but the title doesnt mean a lot actually...we still went for lepak as well...hahahha...since im work less for this month...more time spend together now...after working,..went for dinner and lepak with our buddies...ah hong is our comment place to go now...hahahha...what we did during weekend???preparation la weh...
ermmm...hope everything complete...
ok guys, readers, let end this post here...
\peace no war...
moca juju...nk kawen dah....hehhehe

Friday, January 13, 2012


Whenever I’m alone with you you make me feel
Like I am home again whenever I’m alone with
You you make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I’m alone with you you make me feel
Like I am young again whenever I’m alone with
You you make me feel like I am fun again

However far away I will always love you however
Long I stay I will always love you whatever
Words I say I will always love you I will always
Love you

Whenever I’m alone with you you make me feel
Like I am free again whenever I’m alone with
You you make me feel like I am clean again

However far away I will always love you however
Long I stay I will always love you whatever
Words I say I will always love you I will always
Love you

"listen to the song, understand the lyrics... i want you to know those word i mean it...for you.."
tq smurf...nice

peace no war...
moca juju

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

our homemade macaroon and they like it...

have u ever heard, eat, make or see macaroon /macarons before???...if dont, let googling it...what it is all about...btw, i dont really know the actual meaning of it...but i know how does its look like and the taste is so sweet and it is very easy to prepare...

ok, im google'in and what i found is...

ref :

macaroon (/mækəˈruːn/ mak-ə-roon) is a type of light, baked confection, described as either small cakes or meringue-like cookies depending on their consistency. The original macaroon was a "small sweet cake consisting largely of ground almonds"[1] similar to Italian or Moroccan amaretti.
The English word macaroon and French macaron come from the Italian maccarone or maccherone. This word is itself derived from ammaccare, meaningcrush or beat,[2] used here in reference to the almond paste which is the principal ingredient.
Most recipes call for egg whites (usually whipped to stiff peaks), with ground or powdered seeds, generally almonds or nuts. Alternatively, coconuts, aseed, can be used. Almost all call for sugar. Macaroons are sometimes baked on edible rice paper placed on a baking tray.

ok that is the definition...and before knowing the meaning of the word, eventhough i am a cooking baking friend and i planned to prepare the macaroon coz we dont have a class since it was semester break...(it happened last oct last year...)...then, the next day, we bought the simple ingredients to prepare it...

it just a white egg, castor sugar, icing sugar, grounded almond...and peanut butter as the filling...
and the utensil that we need is : mixing bowl, wooden spoon, silicon mat, tray, pipping bag, nozzle, needle and anything basic utensil for baking...
ok let proceed to the method of cooking:
  1. beat castor sugar and  egg white until the texture become harder and the mixture become stiff...just like this...using a high speed...ok???

 2. put aside the 1st mixture then, sieve castor sugar and almond properly...

3. using wooden spoon, add slowly the dry ingredient into the mixture and mixed it well.

then the mixture and add color...the color???depend on u...u can choose any color u want... then put the colored mixture into piping beg with nozzle or not, both can be used then pipe in into silicon mat...

ok...what would u do with the needle???u need it coz ull poke all the air bubble at ur unbake macaroon...after u pipe it, rest it for at least one hour to create the shell...after one hour, it is ready to bake at temperature around 120-140'c for about 20-40 minute depend on the size... after u bake it, u can pipe the filling in between two piece of macaroon shell then combine it...just like a burger...

here we are...our home made macaroon....

i packed few pieces of it and gave to my bb and friends and seem like they really like anyone interested to try my macaroon, let me know...hehehhe...

peace no war...
moca juju...