all about life

"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

a month of being a wife...

hello readers and friends... everything good today??? i have lot of free time since all my students were struggling  for their final exam... and me??? doing nothing...just sitting on my soft green chair, laughing while watching comedies video in youtube, and this...this is what i did since last monday... updating my blog... do some make over of it... actually i just get a new pic fr our photographer for our post wedding pic... hahahahaha

ok as usual, let back to the title i wrote there... before i go further, i just want to say that...(coz u might think ill talk about my "secret" life with my hubby) this is totally not about something that i am strictly cant share with public due to my hubby n fam dignity... this is just a simple and short story...about  what does i feel, what make me differ from before since im being a wife for man name Muhammad Khuzairi...

its actually more than a month but we moved in our new house for a month already... so everything we shared, just both of us... im a career women... and i worked everyday (suppose to be ) 8-5... but ive change the time 8.30 am - 5.30 pm... but not on wed and thur... ive to work until 9 pm sometimes... it depends on what product i need to teach on that day... 

i didnt feel that the differences is too much in term of the "job" that a wife should do coz even i am a single women before, i am very particular on that spec... my house should always be clean and comfortable for me... i dont like the ceiling full of spiderwebs... hate dirty fridge, unclean toilet and bathroom... and kitchen!!!! should always be good at my eyes, clean under my foot, and cutlery and small equipment should...not just should but have to be place properly... thats me... fussy lady...sometimes my students said me that...

the routine that we had together not that much differ... but i am happy... to get a chance to be a wife... Thanks Allah s.w.t i praise to you for giving me such a beautiful life, laugh and tears to share with someone name husband... i realized that ive someone beside me... to taking care of... to share with... to concern about... to be beside... to fight sometimes... arguing each other, then make us laugh... i have something to do everyday im back home... i glad to have him who will accompany me for my dinner,and coffee time early morning b4 work...

he such a hardworking man... helped me taking care of our house, cleaning process... watching desperate housewife together... living together with someone name husband will really make a women's life getting better... i feel more secure since he stay with me everynight... 

ive cook almost everyday... coz i am very high demand toward food quality... i prefer to cook my self... of course i cook everyday coz i was trained for about 6 years in cooking and now im teach people cook... hahaha...but i dont really like to food that i cook too... hahahha... its normal for a chef rite... 

everymorning, ill prepare drink for him...always nescafe and it is so sweet when he prepared for me too...we'll drink together then work... i love my routine... and i think my hub was a lucky man... he will have a dinner with a different cuisine everynight... i love to cook pasta, with a homemade gravy... or noodles or our comfort food...rice!!!   

i heard friends saying that my hub getting chubby since married... one of them is jojo... lol, that really happened to him... no more old shirt he can wear... and pants too... what to do...hahhaha... i pray to god i can always be a good wifey for him... i can perform my responsibility toward allah, hubb, parents, and fam... 
alhamdulillah allah s.w.t... 

peace no war...

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