all about life

"this is the story about life...everthing that happened around me..."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

PERHENTIAN ISLAND END OF SEASON ~~scuba scuba scuba with my love ones!!!!

it been a while since my last im am free to write more work to fulfill my free time...have you guys been to perhentian island before??? i bet u, once u step there, ull return back to the island...but hehehhe just for island lover...the sandy beach, the silky winds, the deep  blue sea...omg, it such a wonderful scenery ever...try to go to the romantik beach for the sunset...and need some music to shake ur body????visit long beach...but it is not as happenening as PHI PHI ISLAND guys...

ok let talk about the end of season at perhentian...i being there last time...few days before they closed the island for public...bytheway, some of villagers seem like familiar with and smurf... we dont need to pay much for the boat fee, and even some of the boat man call us, "abg din staff" fact we aren't...hehehehe...reach the TUNA JETTY, i am really excited coz it been a month i didnt walked on the beach... this time we both plan to dive more... i miss all the fishes, corals, and everything under...

first day, we just lepak at the dive shop...while playing card and enjoy the beautiful scenery... wondeful!!! the wind blow harder due to monsoon...not yet monsoon b ut almost... first dive spot, TERUMBU TIGA...damn so beautiful...all the nudibrancs...and i am really happy to sea all of that...the big group of spotted string ray...hehehehhehe...awesome...boyouncy ?well we both getting better now...sometimes, he come close to me and holding my hand...moves together underwater...hehhehe...the memories that couldnt be forget...i never went dive without him beside....he is my best diving buddies..even i left him T3, i never plan for that...

the night after, the dive shop crews planned for night dive...we are invited, but im a bit dizzy so we refused to morning, batu layar...and a so lucky to have the chances...even we dive at a same spot everyday, but the view will be different...definately ull feel very excited everytime yo went dive...

erm,..i will stop writing now guys...but before that, here some picture of us...seahorse families...ehhehehe...take a look of it...and as always...

peace no war...
                                        the sunset man...we went fishing while enjoying the sunset...

                                                       jane lipmann...sis, friend, family...


                                             enjoying sunset front of the dive shop....
                                                            acong, shah, ti and the boat man...

                                                     its T3....

                                                               little nudi

                                                                nudi again!!!!


                                                    5 meter safety stop...and time to picy2...

                                                        nudi fam...

                                                     the jimmy neutron under water...hahahahah

                               nice place for picy shot...but acong..u should turn ur head....hahahha

                                                        orange nudi.....

                                                     nudi nudi nudi

                                            he pull me down...just affraid ill uncontrolled accent..


juju justagirl....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

hey drama queen, u should stop acting...

salam guys...this time, im not gonna write something to everybody...this is a post which i pointed to someone who always being a drama queen...stop pretending someone else... stop acting like u are an angle which people know that u are just a drama queen...always...trying to make people symphatize and manipulated the situation..hahahhaa...keep on make people laugh at u lady...

i hate to write this kind of thing actually, but then people keep on digging info about uUS and unfortunately she used a wrong way...just remember the thing that u said...u said u wanna stop connection and everything???hahahhah...liar..always liar...that is what drama queen always did...pretending to be someone else...even u are not pretending me, but then u dragged me into ur stupid matters...u are trying to be friends of mine...stupid drama queen...nobody will trust u anymore...u should look into mirror...pity on u...u've got nothing rite now, don't you?...

hey drama queen, you should flash back and try to remember all the words u said before...if u are really GOOD enough, pls prove it...i know u'll read my blog coz u are so damn stupid, i feel free to let u read my blog...hahaha...then u'll know how happy i am to have my life...real life...not pretending to be someone else...or not lie to the world...

just an advice, if think u are smart enough to be a liar, keep on babe...opss...babe???sorry, i shouldn't used that to address a liar and drama queen like u...the more u digging, the more u'll get me...shame on u...people around know who u are now...u just make them think that u cannot be trusted anymore...this is just an advice from me as a women like u...this is not good for ur self, not for us...coz this junkies thing doesn't really ruin US...u're fooling ur a clown...:)

ok then...i think this is enough for u drama queen...if i keep on writing, ill be crazy like my mom always said "layan orang gila, kite jadi gila"...
btw, sorry to used a "vulgar" words...i dont like to use it actually, but to people like u, it worth it...suitable to drama queen and again, LIAR...sorry lady...
and to u guys who are not related at all with this, im so sorry coz post a thing like this...never plan to be rude but situation required me to do so...

peace no war...
juju justagirl..

Sunday, August 14, 2011

another reminder for my self...not to get involve in other's personal matters IF im not related at all...:)

well, again this is just to remind a BIG reminder for my own self be nice to others, to be good to myself or our own self ya...we shouldnt get involve in other's personal matters...this is can considered as "busy body" or for some peoples it just like harrastment for them...

before i go further guys, im not talking about other, it is  AS REMINDER for myself...and perhaps, it can be to people outhere too...there's alots of disadvantage rather than good thing for us to be like that...guess what, we never know the real thing that happened to that "person" so then, we can't simply said this and that...if we really want to be a part of their problems, ASK them first...whatwas actually happened, then we can give our opinion...JUST OPINION as a beginning...than if that "person" give a good respon and maybe she / he will ask for further action...of course we should help them if we do have the ability to do so... about if that "person" dont really act like she/he want to share with us??? first thing first, dont try to dig it...its their personal matters and since it called personal, its mean private and get hell out of it...u'll just make their feel annoyed when u try to get involve while they never wish to...thus, u shouldn't do any things which lead to hurt their feeling...especially ur friends...

so guys, let it be ur reminder too...u cant ruin the relation that u have...
a cup of reminder for me and u guys out there...
peace no war...juju justagirl...:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

the great moment come to me after the worse...

salam...hye dearest blog and such along time i haven't write a words here...kindda buzy lately...have to attend few courses which lead to my job...huhuhu...okay, let back to my topic...this is all about me,n before that, im not trying to tell everything baout my self but this is just something which i believed it can be a guide or good experience to share with readers...
this is all about being strong and patient  to face all the worse thing that happened to us...just take it as positive as u can guys...

im struggling almost a year to face all the stupid thing came to me till i reach the top of stupidity level...(hahhaha tahap bodoh melampau) just because i felt so damn pressured and i let the problems controlled me...without thinking the pros n cons of being so stupid... i did fews thing without thinking wisely just because im trying to run from the problems...guys, DONT YOU EVER TRY TO RUN FROM UR PROBS COZ THIS WILL HARM YOU MORE... trust me...i did it before, but the things is, it getting worse and it was really turned me to be someone else which i dont know my self anylonger that time..

so take it easy and try to go with it until u find the would be a great thing ever in ur life and ull feel satisfy of what u did then..
so guys, enjoy everything that comes to u, and REMEMBER...enjoy every moment that u ve coz the moment will never turn back to u once it pass...

a bit from me: juju justagirl...peace no war...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

minat menguasai diri...

hye dearest blog...hurm kali neh aku nk bercakap pasal minat...everybody in this world have their own do i...aku minat sgt dgn masak...not a pastries or bakeries, but hot cooking...means that, any food except at the same time, i have another interest which is my dream when i was kid...diving...yeah it is...aku sangatlah minat diving...dan skg, minat dan impian menjadi kenyataan...ape yg paling aku happy, i did it with my love one...we both took the license together...its awesome...happy gilo...i can imagine how was it when we desenct to the deep blue sea was amazing...we both really enjoyed it...dan sampai lah skg, no of dive die lebeh dr aku...hihihihihi...ade skali time we did our first fun dive, i lost my buddy which is him...only god know how worried i am...i keep on thinking and pray for his safety...but then, after few minute, we both found each other...thank god...after that incident happened, we always decent together...holding hand in the deep blue sea...this is the most expensive moment that we cant buy it...i love him so much...hihihih...we have a same interest...we have lots of same interest...hahhaha...lucky to hv it...since we both hv the license, we always went for dive vacation and keep on planning for it...i never stop him to do what ever he wish for...
back to the topic, why i said that when ur interest conquered  ur self...its happened to me...i have both interest...i love cooking and i love diving...the thing that i facing now is a lil bit conflict inside me...i have my job as a cooking lecturer but at the same time, i wish to be in island...i wish to do diving everyday...but i cant leave this job...i wish to have a restaurant in an island and will hv a dive center someday....huhuhuhuu... still couldnt manage my self not to think about always come across my mind...all the time..since my boo in island now, nothing to help me not to think about it...huhuhu
end with conflict...huhuhuh

peace no war..
juju justagirl...

Monday, July 11, 2011

i remind my self of it...

assalamualaikum...dear readers...before i go further, i just wanna say that, every single words that i wrote before n will write later it is all just my opinion, and what i feel about not talking bad about others...yet, im talking about my own self..and i keep on remind my self for the things that happened surrounding...
setiap ape yg terjadi disekeliling aku jd satu titik pengajaran utk aku mendewasakan diri aku dan belajar diatas kesilapan diri sendiri dan org lain...jd kn semua tuh sebagai pengajaran utk aku menjadi lebih baik utk hr yg mendatang...
life isnt not whatever happened to us, to our family, friends and surrounding, we have to take it as a lesson to imporve our self...i keep on remind my self, what goes around comes around and dont ever blame others for every single things that happened to us...since i started to set my mind of this philosophy, i found that my life getting not just learn from my mistake that i made but i also learnd from the mistake that others order to help my self being nicer, better and matured day by day...
someone told me before, orang yg sabar adalah orang yg menang...from this qoute also helped me lot to be who am i today...GOD is fair enough...i believed in HIM...
plus, i always remind my self too that everything that we have today or will have someday will still leaving matter what deep our love to our parent til we feel like we cant leave without them, but one day...they will leave us..coz it all HIS job...from HIM we came, and to HIM we come back...
love is not everything, it just like a flowers that make a garden look beautiful...but without love, we will missing something that make us comfort just like a bed without pillow...
to me myself, juju...everything that i wrote here is not just a is all reminder for my face the world and be better...

peace no war...
juju justagirl

Saturday, July 9, 2011

...people will always blame others...and the worse is, when people who never know the truth blame and judge others wrongly...

this is human being, i always remind my self, what goes around comes around...nobody perfect but to be better, i always limit my self and bear in my mind, dont simply judge people without knowing them and their situation...
lets put our self on their shoe, then we will know what exactly happened...why ther behave like that...if we get involve in one of the bad situation, be neutral...listen to both side, then evaluate it...dont simply evaluate with out knowing nothing...
for the thing that happened to me since i was born, i would never blame others...everything taht i did, i face all bacause of my self...
again, as i wrote on my blog before, i set my mind that every single things that happened to me because of my self...the good thing and bad thing i did in the past...GOD  will pay for our kindness, goodness and bad behave...
so guys, stop judging others...nobody perfect...blame ourself for the bad thing happened to us...not blaming others...

peace no war
juju justagirl

Thursday, July 7, 2011

bila orang hilang arah...

bila manusia hilang arah, akal tidak lagi diletakan di otak yg diberikan Allah s.w.t...sebaliknya diubah tempatnya di lutut...itu mmg layak untuk ditujukan kepada manusia yang sentiasa menyalahkan org lain untuk apa yang terjadi pada mereka...
i talked about this tu akn kelihatan sangatlah bodoh sekiranya mengulangi kesilapan yang sama berulang kali dalam hidupnya...i couldnt believe there are still people who put their mind out of brain...hahhaha...
wahai manusia sekalian, xperlu lah kita memporak perandakan keadaan, memanipulasi keadaan yg pada hakikatnya, kamu sudah pon melakukan perkara itu terdahulu...sekarang orang sekelilingmu dah tau siapa kamu sebenarnya...walau sejuta kali pon kamu cuba memanipulasikan keadaan supaya orang sekeliling percaya pada kata2 kamu dan merasa simpati pada kamu, tapi bukan untuk aku...bukan untuk orang yang sudah mengenali siapa kamu...
berhenti melakukan perkara yang bodoh...belajar menerima kesalahan diri sendiri...belajar untuk terima hakikat setiap apa yang berlaku pada diri kita adalah disebabkan diri kita sendiri...aku berjaya kerana aku...aku kalah kerana aku...bukan orang lain...tapi aku hidup kerana Allah S.W.t, dan aku mati juga kerana DIA...
wahai manusia, aku sudah mengenal keadaan...berhentilah memanipulasi keadaan...kerana kau akan kehilangan lebih ramai orang yang kau sayang dengan perlakuan kau...hilang orang sekeliling bila mana mereka tahu keadaan sebenar...jgn biarkan org membenci kau manusia...

peace no war
juju justagirl

hari yang penat lagi memenatkan...

hari neh bdk dh start sem...registration...owh penat...sgt penat badan aku, otak dan hati dan segalanya...frp nk kena siapkan...note nk kena complete week outstation...kan bagus kalau dpt holiday sepanjang tahun or wat mende yg kt nk wat...ini utk mak abah...keje yg dorg pilih untuk aku...bosan keje neh,tp aku kn and destiny...aku xpenah terpikir yg org akn aturkan hidup utk mak abah, aku redha...aku rindu hidup kt pulau...freedom...penat otak aku dok kat sini...dengan ragam manusia yg mcm bodoh...mistake tu dulu aku dh wat, and skg org lain plak wat...i dont borther that...whatever they wish to do, they want to do, not related to me...i live for own life...hidup single lebih baik...aman...sendiri punye prob sendiri tanggung...knape nk sshkn diri pk masalah org lain... pengorbanan???only people who have a good heart will appreciate the it...aku dh x kisah kalau org xnk hargai ape yg aku wat...ape yg aku tau skg, aku hidup utk diri aku sendiri...bkn org lain...aku adalah aku...aku xperlu berubah untuk org yg xnk n xpernah nk hargai ape yg aku buat...sakit hati???xperlu semua tu...knapa aku nk sakitkan otak penatkan hati aku utk org lain??? tp aku neh heartless dh ko nk wat ape, ko wat make me be nk ckp ape pon, ckp lah...aku dh xkisah...xde hati dh tok semua mende remeh tu...xbg aku keuntungan sikit pon...aku berkawan dgn sapa aku nk, aku wat ape yg aku fikir baik untuk aku...slalu aku wat baik untuk org, tp org x reti nk, live with it...i can do whatever u did...if org tu treat aku buruk, aku akn wat mende same...bear in ur mind...xkisah la sape pon ko... family???friends???boss??? office mate??? aku xkisah sume not gonna put another burden on i dont bother about it anymore...

peace no war
juju justagirl

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

island, beaches, waves, diving...bring me a colorful of life...

hello guys...
as most of people know that i love beaches, island, waves and diving so much...again im gonna write about it...why did i said all of this bring me a colorful life???because all of this make me enjoy my life...first thing first, "diving"...gain me lots of experience...saw a fish which u never imagine of it...watching the movement of wonderful corals...being was awesome...beaches: sat on the bench facing the blue sky and greenish ocean...a soft sandy beaches...this thing bring me a new people to my life...i just met a cute n funny friend from German...she said we are actually sibling...hahahha...thats funny...she's so good...very nice to me...we just met few days ago, but we keep in touch every day...more than a time...she got a nick name..GTG...u know what does it means???GERMAN TRIGGER GIRL...ahahhahahhaha...she gave us nick name and mrs smurf...cute isnt it???well, not only her, i met a very nice local people my new girly, party girlfriend...nicole...she seem like really falling love with Alex  a Switzerland man who really love to say "my ss2 friend" and "u know american pie?everything in that movie are true!!!!" hahhahha...and Luke...a dutch man who very soft spoken and like to plays with the sandy while lay on it...hahahha...not plan to talk much about him since someone will get mad of it... last but not least, the family of SEAHORSES DIVE CENTER...they so good...they treated us just like their fam...i feel so closed to them...they make me feel like i dont want to leave the island...the so good...most important thing to do ive to credit to our instructor NAFIE TRIGGER who trained us good and full of trigger, u're awesome, cool n sempoi...hahhahah...i cant go further,my eyes keep dancing while wishing me to sleep..hahhha...nite everyone...times to start my dream for tonite....

Monday, June 27, 2011

i am so tired...

hurm...i dunno know should i write here or not feeling well with it...but i...i dunno what to say...being honest to others, being nice to people around me...being tolerate...even people dont realize not blame others coz everything good or bad that happened to me before,now and is all because of my goodness and bad thing i did...i never forget tought me to be strong...and this is who i am...hurt other then someday people will hurt u back... nice to others then poeple will treat u nice someday...getting someone in ur life, and remember ull lost them matter what, coz all of us belong to HIM...eventhought im started to feel how enjoy my life...since jan 2011, but still...there is something will bother u just like a test from make u strong, brave and realize the mistake that u did, n learnt how to avoid to do a same mistake again...u'll be strong if u did a mistake then u regret and try to correct ur self...but ull be so damn stupid if u did a mistake, then ull keep on repeating the same mistake...and i dont want to be as stupid as self, my parent, my sibling, my friends, and all people around me will face a same thing in our life...only u, ur self know how to create ur life either make it wonderful, nor make it worse...

again and again, i am who i am...i have no twin who have same habit, interest, style, or anythign exactly like me...coz i am who i am...i never same to someone else as much as that...everything that happened to me and the test that god gave me, differ to other even it is still test from, how i manage to.the past is past, yes, but if u still n keep on going talking about it,and never stop to get involve in it, it is not ur is ur present life...for me my self, i dont know what to do to make other understand me too...i am very simple, so does it to difficutl for poeple to be honest and sincere to me...maybe i did it to toher before and GOD bring somebody to pay me back...alhamdullilah, thank GOD to give me such a beautiful life...

to people out there, either u re my family, my friends, my teachers, my boss, even my enermies, i am sincerely forgive everything that u guys did to me and i am begging u guys to forgive me for every single things, little or big mistake, pls forgive me...i admit for those mistake i did, and im really mean it when i say sorry...

to people who concern about me, im very good, and happy with my life, happy doing all those thing that i dreamed of it since yearsssssssss ago, :) not be with anyone, but im be with everyone around me...i love my self, i love my life, i love my soul, i love everything about me...just me...the rest, it is not as deep as i love my self...

peace no war...
back to: juju justagirl...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

my dream come true...ohyeah...

wohooo...this is the most thing i love and like...i am finally get my official diving lisence...i always dream of it,but is noy just a dream...its reality...having my first diving's experience was to breath,equalize,how to.move ups n downs..owh my speechless...i couldnt describe what i feel is too good for me...i am happy n so damn happy with just left to plan the location for next dive...hihihi

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

terengganu's wed vacation...another friend changed their status..

attending my friend's wedding plus vacation...bak kate anas,juju kt dh lame x go for vacation,last time we had was last two years i,we have it...two purpose for one along karak highway to kuala terengganu was awesome...hahaha...sbb gogon tu kental rupe2 nye...jauh gak da drive sendiri,br tau...b4 this g org drive n nek bus ma...hahaha...we stay at gran continantal,then drove about 28km to husni's house...cantik siti...sepadan sgt...not much to share about his wed coz x dok lame2 kt sne...then after wed,we just drove back to hotel coz each of us need a due to long lam pala otak adalah: i got 3 silk...habis duit borong...mahal tuh...kain paling mahal aku penah cun la...we went to masjid kristal...nice...this is the state that hv lots of mosque...cantik sgt...pantai???tahan nafsu je neh nk mandi laut...sabar2,ujung bln neh berendam sepuas ati...( diving lisence course waiting for me)... ngidam laksam aku kt sedih,dpt mkn skali jer...n for the first time mkn nasik dagang...yummy...best2 bak kate nad...kopok x pyh ckp la...mcm nk pecah perot...husni bwk g mkn kopok kt tok beng...first tgk kopok versi rebus je...huhuhu...not some of us cant accept it...dorg ckp cm x a food lover...muahahahaha...last nite we there,dh buntu x tau nk g mn,g more tourist guide diri sendiri...few hour b4 back to kl,his mother finally met me...after almost 5 years she wish for that...aunt,get well soon...ill visit terengganu thats all for this time...picy2...upload later...hahaha...

peace no war,juju...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

sort of memories...which i sketch it into black and white...

hello my bloggy...hhihihih...dh lame x menulis...quite bz and full of program...hurm having a very tiredness days...and back to work after a week left..all because of responsibility toward everything surrounding... hurm back to the title i wrote there...
"sort of memories...which i sketch it into black and white"

this is one of my hobbies...i have alot, but this kind of hobby require me to get a really good time, and mood to sketch...i love to sketch anything which actually a part of me...a part of juju...the sadness, the useless feeling, the devil junkies in my mind...disappeared when i do this...
ill give some of my artwork to whome that i care and love...even some of them no longer beside me...


thing that never could change...we cannot run from our past, because past make what we are today...the past was a memories...a beautiful thing which make man become a dad, women become a mom, boy become a man, and girl become a women...

losing someone, meeting someone, it is all about memories...u meet her yesterday, and its apart of memories when the next day after come to u...u left her today and the days that uve gone through with her is a part of memories...

we have to accept the memories...even its hurt us sometimes, but it give us a food for tought... we will learn to live from our memories...eventhough we never realize it...

chill, peace no war...juju justagirl(common name i used on my artwork)...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

a piece of beautiful and priceless moment...

have you ever had a moment which for u, it is very important, priceless, and mean alot to u??? i believe that everyone have it...getting a chance to do what we love, visit the place that we never been there, meet people who very nice and friendly, doing some activities which never come across our mind to do it, eat exotic foods, and e.t.c will gave us thousand of experience...good or worse that is how we absorb it...year 2011 gave me lots of priceless memories...he told me to enjoy every moment that we go through...i went to 6 island since jan this year...and it was a wonderful moment...everything that i did related with ocean, waves, beachs will be my priceless moment...i wrote about it last time and im not gonna talk about it again...i just love to share my piccies there...hihihi...

view from little window...mas airlines...

one of the island...

finding me...nemo...

im diving closed to the fish...never did it before...

most i to james...

Monday, May 16, 2011

man preferred to be...

since about 15 years facing this kind of preferred to be my friend...why im not choosing to be friend with a girls???thing like this, i be friend with them,but not as closed as i am with best friends ever...Mbff...yes i do have not being friend with girl, women, ladies as much as im with a man because for me, man are so cool...easy going...and they are not as sensitive as women always be...i do admit that i have the same feeling too...sensitive feeling but im not too weak to be like that...hahahha, i always said to my self and even some of my friend,im a man beb...i love to be friend with them because they can dissolve all the heavy words and joke came out from my unpredictable bad...but that what most of my boyfriend preferred as i do too...(boyfriend here means a normal boyfriends...not a special one...ok)...and realize or not, im really enjoyed having a same interest with this community...i am an outspoken person, and only man could accept what words came out fr me...and most of ladies, will not ok with it...i hate girlish women...this is just what i feel, i don't like women out there who always shows to man that women are weak...sorry to say, hell with it...for me i can do what man can do accept the thing that GOD make a limitation of it...u know what i mean...i wish to be like man, easy going...dress up???simple, outgoing, but just i do...
well, for me man always preferred to b...statement bahaya...hihihih...
peace no war...cau...

water rafting...are awesome....

hello world...hurm,this time i would love to talk about my another fav activity,water rafting...have u ever experienced it??? if not, i think u have to try it...this time, my location was sabah...i did it last few weeks during my vacation there...the person who responsible to guide us was very good in hospitality...he was very friendly, talkative, and he had very much knowledge about sabah... well, on my way to the place name kiulu, he didn't stop telling us about history of sabah...he introduced him self as spiderman...hahahah...he wish to be like superman i think...we arrived kiulu around 10.30 if im not mistaken, and what make me happy and excited was, the river...river mean, water...water mean awesome...i think my decedent might be mermaid or...turtle...hahhaha... there were 3 group who just started their journey at the time we arrived...then spiderman asked us to change the cloth first, then he gave us some training about how to get survive during rafting...what should we do if one of use fall into was so cool...the we started our journey 1 1/2 hours later due to another group are not arrived yet...they came from singapore and 10 of them in a group...compared to us...4 in a group...a statement from that Singaporean group which made us laughed...they dont want to get wet...huh???u go for water rafting and u wont get wet????"water" itself show that what kind of activity is it...
hahhahahah....just after 10-15 min, all of them wet!!!hahahhaha....they seem like very arrogant coz spiderman asked two of them to join us, but the wont...where is ur hospitality guys...advantages for malaysian, we are always friendly and most of us have a very good hospitality...hihihihihi...proud to be malaysian...during our journey to the end point, it was so good and day started raining and it cause the water become a bit aggressive...when we just pass a bit rock'es area, spiderman pull our boat closed to them...he asked us to stand properly in front of him cause he want to snap a picture which 4 of us in it...i know he had something bad plan in his mind and right after all of us changed our sit, he pulled the boat and turn us into river...arghhhhh...he was not satisfied coz we were not fall into river at all...ahhahaha...its good actually when each of us sturggling to get back into boat...and i am very proud to be the first person who succeed to get in...(poyo sekejap)...and few min later, we saw the end point and i dont really like it coz i want it more...but i know when the end comes, it will end no matter what it is...
so what come across my mind is, ill start it soon at different place which more ex-stream than kiulu...padas and sedim will be the next...
guys, here are some pic's that spiderman took for us...
well, i suggest u guys to try it...this is a motivated activity, so try it once then im sure ull like it...

rescue technique...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

welcome may...

realize or not,its almost half of year 2011... times running fast,and everything surrounding grown rapidly... btw,another 7 days then all my beloved student will get their result...hope they will satisfy with it...let talk about may... i have lots of date for this lovely month to remember...on 1st may,all workers over the world celebrating our day...its labor day...then 5.5 of 5th of may...someone birthday...i dont think i should mention his name...hahaha...whatever it is,im still remember ur day...then 8 of best gf's birthday...she getting old than missy chubby with no fat,happy birthday...and to all moms out there...happy mother's my mom,i love u so much...even we haven't meet for a long time...omg,i never go home almost,im so sorry...
to my self...happy mother's day juju...hihihi...
well,i recived lots of wedding invitation...owh god,most of my friend get married and some of them,becoming bride n bridegroom...congratln for them...hihihi...when is my turn?...not in my list...hahaha...i just wait for my mr.somebody getting 35 years old...poyo lah...hihihi....btw,i promised my self not to marry til i get my master,ive travel over the world,i hv my own house,and of course,i hv his heart...
hurm,its may now and im on progress planning for my next vacation...til this month,i just visited 5 diff state,5islands domestic n abroad,and i did few activities which extreamly awesome...i love my life so much...and enjoyed it...well,more updates coming soon...daadaa ...peace no war,cau...

Monday, April 25, 2011

orang yang sabar adalah orang yang menang...

sabar...semua orang yg hidup perlu ade sifat sabar...but the thing is,we have different limit of it...somehow or rather,people tent to be mad or angry while someone cross their be someone who success in everything,life,career,family,and even love,for me this is the important point to have...someone ever said to me before,org yg sabar adalah org yang menang,so sy nk awk sabar...ape pon org ckp...and that make me what make me better day by day?...u've got the answer...sabar jer dlm segala hal...last time when im started wearing hijab,few peoples talked bad bout me,and criticise me...but he always remind me...awak kena sabar,sbb slalu nye mende yang baik org slalu pandang xelok...thanks to you coz u make me be someone better...
so guys,belajarlah menjadi org yg me,u will get what u deserve for someday...
peace no war...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

lagu tiru ke lagu sendiri???


dua2 wa ske....
lagu neh cam lagu ella la...tapi lirik nye lain...
tiru kah atau lagu sendiri...
mn perginya originality???

maybe they have their own reason...whatever it is...both song are nice to listen too...

sometimes we should control our miss someone...or less...:P

hurm, i dont think its a good idea to talk about still want to talk about it...hahhaha...its related to human's and a human being it is impossible if we said that we have no i rite???
it is not easy to control our feeling actually, but if u can hide what u feel, u r so strong and u my baby...hihihihi...wish to be like u...sometimes, yes, but most of the times not[i cant hide anything fr u,but to others, of course] sgt lemah utk sembunyikan feeling sy dari kamu...i dont know how to control my feeling towards him...jump beribu kali pon rindu cm org angau...hihihi...b cm sengal kn...adush, kena kutuk habis neh if dorang tau [kiddos and friends...
im even too sensitive when we have our daily conversation...
my mind however always wispering, juju you have to control it...dont let ur feeling control ur mind...dush2...yeah of course i wont it control my mind...
tp lemah ar ngan kamu...nk plak bile kebosanan, msg n call x ckp la awk... bl la leh jmp, dh la next week im going to sabah...if you could join x paham apekah gejala yg melanda neh...huhuhu...sbb tu lah kena control feeling tuh...or less, jd la mcm sy neh ha...sengal...
huhuhu...ok lah...times up...stop mumbling juju...huhuhu...miss my bb...:P

hantu durian kah???

adoi dah kekenyangan memakan la gilo sgt mkn durian...bwk plak hantu durian jenjalan...mmg la habis...kalaulah td x mkn laksa...mmg la jd cm time mkn kat sabak tuh...lima biji pon still ok red bull...terangkat plak rs...hahhaha...

td nk g mkn durian byk tol halangan...hihihi...bwk hantu2 tu,nk kencing la...nk berry la...last2 dpt gak mkn...cari parking cm org gilo...
sedap gilo durian tuh...

balik mkn durian sst plak...dh lame x jalan area org tuh, x berjawab plak...huhuhu...last2 recall blik ku temui jalan yg benar...hihihihi...

thanks to my....who tell me the place to find durian...wink2~~~

sand...beach...ocean...waves...and coconut milk shake...

owh God...what a wonderful life u gave us...ciptaan tuhan yang paling indah pada sy adalah...:

BEACH...anything related to beach...island...sand...the beautiful sound of waves...i miss those place that i went to before...having a great coconut milk shake and juices while walking along the beach...sunset...that was a beautiful moment ever...windu nak ke pantai...tgk sunset...bulan neh bulan melancong lagi...SABAH...just around the corner...and im actually on progress planning for another vacation...escape from busy-ness last vacation are awesome...and i hope next week will be one of fantastic memories to hold on...

sy gumbira sgt kot...sbb my lovely squiddy have a same interest with me...and some of my friends too...tringat pica ckp,aku dh tau ko neh traveller jenis ape...not for entertaiment,but for leisure...and the place u wished to go must have beach...yea...i wont get bored of it...never...
petang2 cm neh,dpt minum coconut milk shake plus pancake...uish...bahagianya...huhuhuhu...

if u have a prob,or workloaded, or anything which make u feel bad, just go to the beach...take a walk and watching the sunset, listening to the waves... im sure it will make u how busy u are, just take few days and escape from everything...choose any island either around malaysia or just spent some extra money to thai, or to indonesia, maldive or boracay sure will gain ur energy back...:)

Friday, April 22, 2011

after almost 9 month living there...

setelah hampir 9 bln di sabak bernam...akhirnya sampai jgk ke bukit melawati...hahaha...agak cantik tempatnya...cume,byk takut...i bought a bundel of long bean...then sume munyet tu beriya dtg nk mkn...asyik bg makan...nmpak satu keajaiban ciptaan Maha Agung...anak munyet tu color orange...i never seen it before...and i asked indian man there...and he said...after 3-4 month,it will change to black color...dont u think it is amazing?...their normal color ( monyet situ la,blacky greynish) tp bila besar sikit jer...dr orange jd wondering how...i went there with my kiddos...hahaha...dorg sgt gumbira n teruja...kelakar ngat eh...we just spend 30-45 min there and cont our journey to k.l...

ooopppsss...error...pic xleh download...:-(

Saturday, April 16, 2011

tolong jangan sakiti aku lg...

kenapa mesti sakitkan hati aku lagi...?
xcukup ke dgn ape yg aku sacrified...?
xcukup ke dengan apa yang aku buat tok kau...?
ape salah aku...?

tolonglah jangan sakitkan hati aku lagi...
cukup dengan apa yang aku lalui sebelom neh...
biarkn aku hidop dalam dunia aku sendiri...
yang pada aku cukup sempurna...
walaupun hakikatnya,manusia xkn memandang ia sempurna...

ini jalan yang aku pilih...
bukan sakit yang aku pinta...
tapi bahagia walaupun ia sementara...
bila aku lari dari derita...
kau pinta aku...jangan tinggalkan kita...

mengapa kau harus menyakiti aku lagi...
aku hanya manusia yang lemah di sisi Nya...
cukuplah derita sampai disini...
berikan aku peluang untuk hidup gembira...
jangan lagi kau sakitkan aku...
aku hanyalah wanita...

---- i found this just luje showing some of my feeling...thanks to the means,im not the only one who


aku ingin bersama samanya...
ketika tunas itu tumbuh...
serupa tubuh yang mengakar...
setiap yang terhembus...
adalah kata...

angan,lebur dan emosi bersatu...
dalam jua berpautan...
tangan kita terikat...
lidah kita menyatu...

setiap apa yang terucap...
adalah sabda pendita ratu...

knowing the truth is much more painful than knowing nothing...

the truth...does really good or it is just make people getting bad and hurt? is actually depand on us...most of peoples prefer to get know the truth about anything that happened surrounding...however,does it really worth it?...dont we ever though that,sometimes it is good for us to know the truth but sometimes,it just should be a secret...or in other words is...lies...lthe truth wont be a nice thing to have if it just make us feel hurt while other feeling rite?...perhaps,we will not getting hurt if we dont know it...the truth is too me...i wish if im not the one who know the truth...thus,ive to live with it...sometimes we should hide or,or sometimes we should tell lies just for the sake of others happiness...we are not live alone on earth...we have a relationship to care...with our families,our friends,our commynity,and even our enermies....

till we know the truth is hurt,we will ask people to stop say it and rather choose to lies...

Friday, April 15, 2011

what a lazy day...all coz of u...sick of it...

friday,15... a very lazy day...what happened to me huh...dunno...should i wait for u to have my meal of the day? i mean my meal for not have it yet coz im waiting for you...stupid me...i hate this feeling...i just wasting my time waiting for u by watching those movies that i've watched it hundred times b4...just drink a plain water while scratching my body and peel of the death skin...eventhough u dont allow me...
fotunately,im not alone at home...lya here too...atleast im just feelibg alone inside...there somebody here to talk with...
baby,i need u actually...argh...what happened to still sick and maybe it make me a bit " manja " kot...huhuhu...kawan2,sy menghabiskn masa kt rumh je the whole day...xske2...:'(

Thursday, April 14, 2011

time for MANJAKAN my lurvly body...

kt the curve skg...having my can considered as dinner eventhough it is actually my breakfast for today...and im get sick of of mr dodo are busy now...i get hurt a bit coz of it but then its with nisha...body massage after this...then im sure ill feel relax and release from feeling tired...they call us for massage now...gtg...daaaadaaa

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the end of story...p.s i love u...

i just met my housemate,lya...she told me that she found a new tenant for our house...hurm,the most place that i love to live...bilik spenderku...hikhikhik...bilik yg giler byk memories ngan kengkawan...bilik dengkor nisha...bilik main poker...bilik merah kesayanganku...sayng sungguh nk tgl,tp i've to admit...setiap yg dtg mesti pergi...that the reason why we have to enjoy the moment...p.s,bring me lots of feeling happy,sad,crazy,...lots to describe...last time i love to decorate my room using red color meterials,my air bed which i love the tiger red light,my strawberries triangle room...berat plak hati nk tgl p.s...i celebrate my eid here two more open house for this year...arghhhhh...i wont leave ny precious house...bilik yg penoh cerita...memory paling best,main poker cm org gile...when talk bout it,really make me smile...p.s,let me know peopkes...hurm,sony,and her love...lya,hani...p.s which make me close to peoples...and uncle guard yg sgt baik hati ske lepak ngan aku dulu...and guards block c...being nice to me...coz always helped me when i walked home with full hand of shopping's bags....btw,its a part of my life...good memories...sweet and bitter memories...byebye p.s...palm spring...:-(

food allergies?? menci ar...

alahan dgn makanan neh mmg leceh...ape punye malang la nasib tuan punya badan...not everyone born with food allergies,but almost my fam members suffer of a culinarian and it is too bad for me having this ' dieseas'... sy bukan setakat xleh mkn seafood...skg neh poultry and even beef...skg neh sy ngah suffer of its symptoms...ichiness and painful...bintat dh penoh badan...sume nye sbb tergoda dgn biggest prob is,im a food lover...seafood the most...crab,prawn,oyster,and x sedar diri neh ha...malas tol nk g klinik...ubat yg ade dh immune...b,sakit neh...i wish if i could boil my self...hahaha...gilo dh cik ju neh,awk pgl sy cik june kn...[ i dont like it actually]... c,dh melalut sy...i scratch my body but him said,dont you dare to scratch itchy baby...dulu sy berpantang...try to avoid consume those food which hurt me,but then some of my friends said," xpe,makan je...nnt allergic tu hilang lelame..."...korang tipu...makin tersiksa zahir dan batin ku...hurm,terpaksa la rajinkn badan nk g,wish u r here...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

2nd of april...

another friend married today...huhuhu...b,turn kt bl ek?kehkehkeh...lmbt g ek b?gedik plak tetibe...
finally they both get married...happy for them ktorg berckp2,who's gonna b next bride n bridegroom...ill be the last among us elder bro ask me just now...nk tunjuk cincin ke? engaged...i met few of my old classmate during bacelor...sume cm dh besar...but guess...:-P
owh 2nd april...xsgka,cpt masa berlalu,semua org ade perubahan yg mr dodo not around today...bwk haluan masing2 di hujung minggu...hihihi...that what we are rite love?we both need our own time to enjoy...
btw,congrate to both of my friend for ur wed...may god bless u both til the ur last breath...amin...

Friday, April 1, 2011

sick tired and... just arrive tired,and unfortunately im sick...flu...cough...jangkitan dr mn kah ini...too much pressure student drove my car and hit something...and today,i hurt gogon again...cian gogon...hurm,something come across my mind...apelah agaknye org tua tu wat skg?sp ek?laki aku la...laki yg blom sah di sisi agama...aku cm perlu ignore die for a moment coz ak sgt2lah bz...ujg tahun neh lg bz,dgn keje,dgn master aku lg...arghhhhh....tension sgt...sorry awk,sy tekanan perasaan lately,so sorry coz sometimes ive to ignore u...i hate the time when i have too many things to be done,at the same time my body extreamly weak and my mind counting the day to explode...owh god,thought this year would be nicer than b4,even it is actually much2 better than previous gonna have my super duper good treatment the end of month...sabah,im coming...then hope i can follow my sis to aussi when the day she move there...i have to rest my.mind for a while but i just couldnt...too much paper to mark and owh SICK...SICK...SICK...TIRED...TIRED...nasib iman kuat lg...if x,dunhill kembali menjadi rakan baik ku...huhuhu....but will never happened again...ok my dearest blog...i have to cont markg paper...i hate this coming sunday coz i have to submit all the marks for each subject...k dada mr blog...peace no war...B-)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

stop involving in my life...

since 1st jan 11 no more both of u in my life...everytg i did,i said,i went to,i saw,i talked not related to both of you at all...please stay away from my life coz i never get involve in ur life any longer...u hv ur own life and so do i...i hv my man who i love so much,i have my beloved family and friends who never give up supporting me...hey lady,there's nothing related to me about ur life...ur man,is always not a part of it anymore,so u dont need to text me...u r stranger for i make u feel unconfort if i can live peacefully and happy?...stop being life is not related to u anymore...if i wanna
expressed my feelings here,want to write anytg here is not ur prob as long as im not get involve in ur life...are u feeling jelouse if i do have happy life,successful career,good family and friendly friend,a normal and happy n happy life? r to childish and never b as age u should be...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

perlu ke sombong ntah hape2...

ntah hape2...dtg office,stakat nk begaya x kn tempat,xpyh la nok...keje pon x reti wat...ko nk kekwat n aku,xsedar ke keje ko ape ke?dh overshadow position...hurm...sabor je lah...btw,doesnt effect me at all...yg pasti,i dont really need u to be successful...

silent is better and it is the best solution...

i should not write any words anymore...thought this will be a good place to express my feeling,opinion but then...i should never write anything those who think that what ever i wrote here disturbing u n make u feel annoyed,hurt n etc,im sorry...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

im afraid if...

im really out of mind...dont really know what should i do...stay or not...
im afraid if i couldnt hold on it anymore...
im afraid if im getting tired sooner or later...
im afraid if someday,i will stop being too loyal to u...
im afraid if my heart cant accept it anymore...
im afraid if my mind will say "juju,u should go...dont wait for it anymore...move on"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

hari ke 5,tp sengal rs...

im very tired...backbone pain...two week feel like two freezing in this hall...
a bit bored and i miss my teaching job...kitchn class.. i couldnt teach n guide them on their last two it is their last sem....miss my so "sengal" here...owh,time plz running as fast as u can...huhuhu...

the best solution for my work stress and presure...

sy masih berkursus...owh no,it such a very long days to go...and theres lot of work waiting me after...but,ill make sure after evrytg done,i will having me best treatment ever...guess what? love and my best buddy might have the answer...hihihi
..ya sure it is : beach,ocean,sounds of waves,everythg related to this...jgn la cube mengajak aku ke tmpat selain yg berkaitan
nescaya aku akn kebosanan...huhuhu...last few weeks,ive been to kapas island,pangkor again and melaka?itu tmpt paling bosan....but both island really make me feel calm and im enjoyed every second there...x sbr nk ke sabah plak...huhuhu...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

thanks for ur comment lady...

i just read one comment on my page...btw,thanks for ur,i dont really need it fr u...a good person never discriminate people who wish and make a good changes in their life...even Allah s.w.t. always given a chances for us to b a good person and regret of sin that we did b4...alhamdulillah for you words...

hati gumbira...

Add caption sgt gumbira...happy...can i just keep on smiling and smiling...owh god,i cant hide my feeling...thanks to my man who i love so much...first time ever in my life...thanks for the good days together...hurm,this make me feel we are getting closer speechless just like something unexpected...hey juju what are u trying to say..i dont really know...but im sure about this---->im happy so much with this love...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

next vacation for this year...INDONESIA...

hello my dearest blog and been a while since my last post...i was quite busy with my beautiful life and successful career...cewah...hehehhe...erm what are the stories behind it???hehehe...well, since a month ago, i had lots of job to be done out of my outstation again and again...and finally, everything done and i got the chance to started my day with a nice shopping vacation to medan, indonesia...we been there for 3 days 2 nite, and medan was a good place for people who will get married (like me??? hahahha) and for those who loves superspicy food..u better come and visit medan... we fly from malaysia to medan early in the morning and reached there around 830am WIB...(WIB stand for waktu indonesia barat)...hurm, it is not like our international airport, and to be honest i dont really like polonia airport...hehehhee... then we took taxi to hotel, about 20 min fr airport and it cost us rp50,000 and u know what, the driver asked for tips...and we just gave him rp2,000, rm not even reach rm1 pon...hehhe...sorry bapak, we had a problem with currency...hehehhehe...then we had our 1st meal in medan...a wonderful lontong with damn spicy sambal...hahhaha...after breakfast, we take a walk to Pasar Buku, just around the corner fr hotel, then we proceed to Pasar Ikan...(which not selling ikan at all) is heaven for those who plan to married, u can buy ur own textile for ur wed dress!!!!omg, it turn me crazy...hehehhe...after bargain for cheapest $$ they can give us, i got 4 m silk, 4 m chiffon, 2 m lace, 2 m french silk...hehehhe...cant wait to turn it into a wed dress...hehehhe...surprise...heheheh... after long hour jalan2, we went back n had our dinner and then off to bed...begin the last day there with a delicious lontong...then just get some fresh air again at pasar ikan...bought some more textile and tudung for my sis and granny...a bit tired but enjoyed the vacation...especially with my loves...around 4 o'clock WIB, we moved to the airport and fly away back to KL...wish i will be back to get some more textile and wed thinggy..heheheh...

peace no war...
juju justagirl..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

what a worse feeling???

dear my lovely blog.. thank god coz i do have this where i can express my feelings...i hate this feeling...the feeling whereby i have to pretending like im ok while im totally not ok at all...why i still have to face a same thing that i hate the most again...i thought december 2010 would be the last worse moment for me...why i couldn't make it...please ALLAH,i beg to you...please remove him from my memories, replace him with someone who really mean to me...